Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Great Book

This is taken from a really good book I read a while back, called “One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven” by Mark Cahill. I’m going to try to post a little each time, till we get through the entire book! (Not sure if that will actually happen, but I can dream, can’t I?)

Some of Chapter 1:

“I can guarantee that there is one thing you cannot do in heaven that you can do on earth. Share your faith with a non-believer. Why? Because everyone is heaven is a believer. Do you realize that when you take your last breath, you will never again be able to talk to a lost person? Since that is true, shouldn’t it be a priority of your life to reach out to all the lost people on earth while you can? I firmly believe that witnessing is a learned talent. God burdens our hearts to reach the lost, but we must get out there and start practicing those conversations. The funny thing is, the more you practice, the easier it becomes. Jesus says, in Luke 12:12, “For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye aught to say.” The Holy Spirit is very faithful to take us all the way through a conversation and to give us plenty of thinks to say. All we must do is get in ‘that same hour.” Let the Lord take you into opportunities, and He will show you how faithful He really is. Realize that when we stand in front of God, none of us will say that we shared His Son too much. But many of us will realize that we shared His Son much too little during our time on earth.