Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Child's Heart, page 6

Rylen gasped and Wendol looked shocked. They both began to talk at once. Justace held up his hands for quiet and explained. “I have an old friend who owns a barn that he doesn’t use. It’s no mansion, but it would be a good, safe place for us.” When Monday morning came, Rylen awoke and found that the others were already up and out of the house. She got up wearily and made her bed. As she stepped outside, she could hear Justace singing. “…The bleeding sacrifice,” He sang out. “In my behalf appears…” “How can you sing at a time like this?!” Rylen blurted out as she approached him. Justace raised an eyebrow. “Why not sing at a time like this? God knows our needs. He will take care of us.” He replied. “He’s always been there for me, and I know this time will be no different.” Rylen said nothing. “…Before the throne my surety stands, before the throne my surety stands; my name is written on His hands.” Justace continued singing happily as she walked away. Late the next afternoon, the three sat quietly in the shack relaxing. “Wendol, would you go and fetch some water please?” Justace asked the little boy. “Yes, Justace.” Wendol said as he set down the scrap of paper he was drawing on. After a while Justace started to get a little worried. “I wonder what’s taking him so long…” he said to Rylen. A few seconds later, a tearful little face appeared in the doorway. Rylen jumped up from her seat with Justace close behind her. “Wendol, what’s the matter?” Justace asked with a concerned look. Rylen sat him on her lap as he told of his trouble. “When I was out getting water, some big boys came and stole my pail.” He sniffed. “They knocked me down and I scraped my elbow.” “Aww, let’s get you a bandage, poor thang.” Rylen said. Justace handed her a clean scrap of cloth. “Why are people so mean?” Wendol sniffed as Rylen gently wrapped his wound. Justace patted his back. “It’s probably because they don’t know Jesus.” He said softly. After putting Wendol to bed, Justace sat down to talk to Rylen. “Do you remember Romans 8: 28; the verse that says all things work together for our good?” He asked her. Rylen nodded. “Well, it goes right along with what is happening. Wendol got hurt by bullies… this town really isn’t very safe. Maybe this is why God is having us move.”

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