Monday, June 22, 2009

Sweet 16

Why is it called that? I never really understood why everyone thinks turning 16 is more special than all the other years. Surely it doesn't have anything to do with driving... Well, anyway, I'm about to turn 16. Maybe it will end up being a very special and wonderful year. I hope so. But at the same time, I'm not sure if I'm ready. It seems like I haven't been 15 for long enough. There is more I should have done and learned. I'm growing up way too fast! You know, I always used to look at teens older than me and think, "Wow, they're so grown up... and boring. They're just like adults." and now that I'm getting older... well, that is what I'm turning into. It's kind of hard for me to understand. Obviously my interests have changed, but younger me would have definitely called it "getting brainwashed". Sometimes I wonder if younger me was right? Like, how would I know? But I know I'm much smarter and cooler now, so I guess I don't mind either way. :) Haha. Just randomness.


  1. I would like to know why it is called sweet 16 too. Hey did you get your driving permit yet? :P

  2. Nnnnnope. I want one. (I think) But my parents are being all... uhg. :P
