Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Unknown

Do you ever think of strange philosophical things like: How do you know everyone sees colors the same way you do? What if, to someone else, yellow looks like what you would call light blue? Like, people know the names of each color they see because they were taught that way, but they could look up at the sky and call it blue, and you could look up at that same sky and call it blue, and the two of you could actually be seeing a totally different color, and no one would ever know it. And what is beyond outer space? Let's say you had a space ship that could keep traveling forever and you could live forever. If you just kept going in the same direction, where would you end up years later? Is there an end somewhere, or does it just keep going? Both are hard for me to comprehend. So then, what shape is outer space? I suppose it would have a shape if it ended, but have no shape if it never ended. If it ends, I wonder what is on the other side? If not, what is the purpose of all that space? I am assuming there is an equal distance of space above every part of the earth. And where exactly is heaven? Is it in our outer space just beyond human reach? Or is it some other unknown universe that you have to poof away to? (Like Star Trek and Fairly Odd Parents.) Somewhere that doesn't structurally exist. Like, what if it is like an invisible spirit? It's not really there, and neither is the place it is in, and yet we are there living in it? Such wonder-filled ponderings. See, I told you I was insane. ;)