Sunday, March 8, 2009

I Nearly Died Laughing

Today in church, during prayer request time, my dad asked Mrs. Nancy (an older-ish lady) for an update on a woman she had asked prayer for. She said that the girl had a really bad rash, because she shaved her armpits with a razor that her husband had used on his face, and she didn't know that, and she cut herself, and it got infected and she had to go to the hospital and they had to put something on it, and she had to take it out, and put something back in... (I don't know.) And then she went on to warn us not to use used razors. My dad tried so hard not not to laugh, but in the end, he just couldn't contain himself. Our pianist (who isn't good at hiding her emotions, BTW) was going ballistic, desperately trying to cover her mouth with both hands. Mrs. Wendy laughed so hard she cried, and had to get up and get a tissue. Lord knows what our poor visitor must have been thinking. "Oh, the things you learn in church." My dad said. Good ol' Mrs. Nancy.

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