Sunday, March 8, 2009

Things About Me I Bet You Never Knew

I know, I'm totally copying. But this is such a good idea, I just had to steal it! (I hope the person I stole it from doesn't mind too much.)

1. Most of the time, my outfits consist of half spy, half cowgirl style. (Like a fedora and pinstriped business jacket, and a denim skirt with a bandanna insert and cowboy boots.)

2. My name is originally Irish, but is most popular in New Mexico. (And it doesn't really sound like it's either of those.)

3. I'm afraid of thunder, yet at the same time, I like it.

4. Some days I hate the color orange, other days I love it.

5. My fave thing to do on a very rainy day is watch the cars drive through the giant puddle in the dip in the road by our house, and cheer for the brave ones that drive fast so that the water splashes and makes a wave taller that their car! (And I REALLY like it when we drive through it!)

6. I like to eat the crust on my pizza first so I save the best part (the pizza) for last.

7. I can pick the lock on my bedroom door, the bathroom door, and my brother's door in under 10 seconds.

8. I name all our family vehicles.

9. I pretend my remote is a microphone when I'm singing along to theme songs on TV shows.

10. Not only do I talk to myself, I also argue with myself.

I'm only doing 10 for right now, but I'll probably do more later. :)

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