Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven

Okay, um... now we're going backwards in this book. Hope you guys don't mind. This is from Chapter 13:

"Do you realize that every individual you have ever witnessed to will thank you one day? Think about it. If people you witness to don't accept Jesus and wind up in hell, will they thank you? You probably won't hear it, but they probably will. Once they are in hell and realize that it is for eternity, I believe they will say, "At least that person who witnessed to me in the mall or at school that day cared enough about my eternal destination to tell me how I could have avoided this place. I really wish I could thank them." And of course, they will wish they had listened. And think about the people who end up in heaven. Imagine someone walking up to you in heaven saying, "Remember me? I used to go to school (or whatever) with you, and you witnessed to me one day. I know it seemed like I wasn't paying attention, but I was listening. Three years later, I got saved; and I really want to thank you for taking the time to share Jesus with me."

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